
Ready to Transform Your Cybersecurity Program? Start With this Blueprint.

April 30, 2024

If you’re ready to transform your cybersecurity program, you have to build a case for change. The vCISOs (virtual CISOs) and Deputy CISOs at DeepSeas are experienced in building a case for organizational change and guiding the transformation of cyber defense programs. In the blueprint below, notice that our DeepSeas CISO Advisory Services can accelerate every stage of transformation, including defining your future state, building and activating your cybersecurity plan, guiding the assessment of your security capabilities, and starting an initial cyber defense program roadmap. While integrating operations, your DeepSeas CISO will deploy critical program capabilities focusing on talent, technology, and process. In the most advanced stages of cyber program transformation, your vCISO or Deputy CISO will help your organization adopt a continuous improvement mindset and continue to reduce cyber risk through ongoing program transformation.